Sunday, June 5, 2016

Costume-Con 33 Roundup, Saturday

Opps!  Going back through the drafts, I've found a few posts that really should have happened before now.  For a bit of a throwback, here is the roundup from Costume-Con 33 (LAST year) for Saturday day, which I found sitting around waiting for captions to photographs, but otherwise ready to post.

I pretty much spent the entirety of Saturday running around without a bra on.  It was AWESOME!  I started the day in my black and brown sideless surcoat with the linen kirtle, then lost the surcoat in the afternoon for rehearsals (so I was pretty much running around in my underwear.  Yay for historical costuming!)  Then put on the white overdress at the absolute last possible moment because white and me, we make messes together.  There's just something about a white dress that makes me want coffee and spaghetti sauce.

I was a part of a group for the Sci-Fi/Fantasy Masquerade that was based on the fantasy novels by Garth Nix.  Super fun costumes, but I was only able to make myself read far enough into the books to be introduced to the group of characters that my costume was to represent.    We did well, too.  A presentation award for best literary adaptation and Best in Show for Workmanship.  I'm not even going to pretend here, the BiS was about 95% earned by the crazy people molding leather, printing tartan and smithing their own jewelry.  My outfit was fairly simple by comparison, with nothing terribly special beyond a bit of dye work and embroidery.  But I think it was well made and Bethany came up with an awesome design for the overdress that we worked together to make, so there you go.  I'm happy with 5% of that ribbon.

The white characters in the back row were all representations of various vocations
of Clayr, a sort of academic and future-reading sort of group.  I was personally set
to represent a merchant, with my money pouch and key.

Blonde, lol!  I am totally digging the way that light green pairs with my skin tone, though.

Stay classy, people.