Monday, January 6, 2014

Steampunk Tea

Had a lovely time at a tea put on by L and members of the Lawrence Steampunk Society.  I was surprised to run into a handful of people I knew, and please to meet lots  interesting people that were new to me.  The greater geeky community in the Kansas City area has a lot of overlap among the various forms of geekery.

Several weeks late, but I thought the members of my household did themselves up quite nicely and I wanted to share.

M rocking out the top hat from my purple/black/chartreuce stempunk outfit.

My honey looking quite dashing in the trousers, waistcoat and cravat that I made for him.

And I finally got the opportunity to wear my recently completed polonaise and walking skirt.

Yay for bustles, except for the part where I had to try to fit into the car in this.
Not my most graceful moment, for certain. 

And because I just cannot pass up the opportunity to share some adorable...