The first hurdle was when I was attaching the bias to the relatively tame top of the stays. With an extra set of hands from Minion V to help hold all the awkward pieces, I was able to attach the front side of the bias tape with the sewing machine. Score! It looks pretty and went together in a quarter of the time. I then folded the tape over and inserted about eleventy billion stick pins in prep of sewing down the inside by hand as I've done on other corset projects. Then it's Labor Day weekend and a trip to my folks' house and I needed to find a safe way for the heavily pinned project to travel. In a moment of genius, I pulled an oddly shaped scrap of leather from the stash and wrapped the stays in that. Score! Not only did it travel well without pins getting snagged on the inside of the duffle bag and yanking out, I was also able to drape the leather over my lap to protect my body from random jabs.
I found a way to apply the same bit of logic when working on the tabs. By cutting off a 6"x10" scrap of the leather, I was able to wedge it between the tabs and create a safe place to rest my hands white sewing.
Pit of vipers, right there. All those pins on both sides, many of which I just could not get the points to anchor back into the layers. |